Language Assistance Services

HPSM offers a range of no-cost language assistance services to meet the needs of members who:

  • Speak or read a language other than English.
  • Have hearing or vision impairment.

Our language assistance services include:

Language interpreter services available by phone, by video and in-person

If your provider does not speak your language, you can get an interpreter. Interpreter services in more than 200 languages are available by phone and video 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can get an interpreter for any visit (whether in person, on the phone or on a video call with your provider). In-person interpreters are also available by appointment for:

  • Those who use American Sign Language (ASL).
  • Ongoing appointments, appointments on sensitive topics and group therapy.

Learn how to get language interpreter services

Written materials in different languages and alternative formats 

Our member materials are available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Tagalog (the four most common languages in San Mateo County). You can also ask for materials in other languages and alternate formats (such as large print, Braille or audio).

    Learn how to get translated member materials