AMA Doctor Finder
Comprehensive information (including educational history, board certification and hospital admitting privileges) for doctors who belong to the American Medical Association (AMA).
Find a Provider
Search for a provider
Use the online provider search form to find the latest information for in-network primary care providers (PCP), specialists, pharmacies, clinics or hospitals. This directory is updated weekly. You may need a referral from your PCP before making an appointment with a specialist for non-emergency care. Call your PCP to find out if a referral is required.
- Search by provider name, health plan, location or type of provider
- Click on a provider's name in the search results to see additional information
- Search results include links to interactive maps and directions
- Print or save the information for individual providers
- Weekly updates ensure you get the most accurate results
The provider directory is updated every week; however there may be incorrect or new information about a provider that has not yet been updated. If you find an error, please call 650-616-2106 extension 5 (for TTY: 800-735-2929 or 711). You can also email HPSM Provider Services at PSInquiries@hpsm.org.
To choose a provider:
- Click the green "Search" button above.
- Enter your information in sections 1 and 2.
- In section 3, select the type of provider you want then click “Search.”
- Once you find the provider you want, log in to the Member Portal. If you haven’t already signed up for the Member Portal, do that first, then log in.
- Type the provider’s name into the “Provider” field of the Member Portal.
- Click the “Search” button, then the “Select” button on the next screen.
- Select a reason for the change and then click the “Accept” button.
You will then get a confirmation of the change and the date that it takes effect.
Alternative access standards
HPSM strives to make sure all members can see network providers and specialists near their home or work. We follow time and distance standards set by the state based on zip code. If you cannot find certain types of providers or specialists in your area, as defined by these standards, search HPSM's Alternative Access Povider list in the link below.
Alternative Access Provider List
Access to care
California law requires health plans to provide timely access to care. This means that there are limits on how long you have to wait to get health care appointments and telephone advice. See the table below for the standards for San Mateo County.
Type of provider
Appointment available within
Time and distance within
Primary Care
Adult, Pediatric and OB/GYN
10 business days
10 miles or 30 minutes
Specialty Care
Adult, Pediatric and OB/GYN
15 business days
15 miles or 30 minutes
Not applicable
15 miles or 30 minutes
72-hour supply of covered medicines during emergency situations
10 miles or 30 minutes
Mental Health
Adult and pediatric non-psychiatric outpatient services
10 business days
15 miles or 30 minutes
Ancillary Services
15 business days
Not applicable
Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
Time and distance standards do not apply to Multipurpose Senior Services Program, Skilled Nursing Facilities or Intermediate Care Facilities because services are provided at the residence.
Type of provider
Appointment available within
Skilled Nursing Facility
5 business days
Intermediate Care Facility
Developmentally Disabled (ICF-DD)
5 business days
Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan (MCP)
Call center
Wait time within
HPSM Medi-Cal Member Services
10 minutes from the time the call is placed
Download a Provider Directory
Find a network provider using the table of contents, bookmarks, or index:
- Provider specialties are listed alphabetically in the table of contents
- Providers are grouped by provider type in the document bookmarks
- All providers are listed alphabetically in the index
Click on the directory that corresponds to your health plan.
Request a Printed Copy
If you would like a provider directory mailed to you, please send an email to providerdirectoryrequests@hpsm.org with the following information:
- Your first and last name
- Daytime phone number (in case we need to call you about your request)
- Mailing address
- Which directory you want (CareAdvantage or Medi-Cal)