Your HEALTHmatters

Welcome to Your HEALTHmatters—our member blog that makes keeping up with the latest health news easy! This is where you’ll find the latest benefit information, tips and resources for a healthy, happy you! The top stories are highlighted with images, and you can find more stories listed under them. To read a story, just click the headline or the "Read more" link.

If you have questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider.

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Help Your Child Get Ready to Go Back-to-School

It’s summer, and a great time to take your child to get check-ups and vaccines that they are due for!

Has Your Child Been to a Well-Child Visit This Year?

Help Your Child Get Ready to Go Back-to-School

It’s summer, and a great time to take your child to get check-ups and vaccines that they are due for!

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Help Your Child Get Ready to Go Back-to-School

It’s summer, and a great time to take your child to get check-ups and vaccines that they are due for!

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Help Your Child Get Ready to Go Back-to-School

It’s summer, and a great time to take your child to get check-ups and vaccines that they are due for! This includes taking your child to their primary care provider (PCP) for a yearly check-up (also called a well-child visit) and to their dentist for a dental check-up! 

Use these tips to prepare for your child’s well-child visit and dental check-up this summer:  

  • Write down a list of questions or concerns you have about your child’s health and bring them to your visit. 
  • Complete surveys that your child’s provider or dentist has sent you before the visit. 
  • Bring any forms you need your child’s provider or dentist to fill out for school. 
  • Bring any information that you think your child’s provider or dentist should be aware of. For a well-child visit, this may include: 
    • Your child’s vaccination record.
    • Any after-visit summaries from recent urgent care, emergency room or hospital visits.

Schedule your child’s next well-visit or dental visit before you leave the office. Make sure to ask for a reminder card or write down the date of the next visit in your calendar.