Since January 1, 2022, Medi-Cal members’ medication benefits have mostly been managed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) through their Medi-Cal Rx program. However, HPSM still covers PADs. These are medications that providers give to patients at an office or clinic. Some PADs need to be pre-approved by HPSM.
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Medi-Cal Members: HPSM Still Covers Physician-Administered Drugs (PADs)
Jul 10, 2023, 15:04 PM
by Peggie Van
Medi-Cal Members: HPSM Still Covers Physician-Administered Drugs (PADs)
Jul 10, 2023, 15:04 PM
by Peggie VanSince January 1, 2022, Medi-Cal members’ medication benefits have mostly been managed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) through their Medi-Cal Rx program. However, HPSM still covers PADs. These are medications that providers give to patients at an office or clinic. Some PADs need to be pre-approved by HPSM.

Medi-Cal Members: HPSM Still Covers Physician-Administered Drugs (PADs)
Jul 10, 2023, 15:04 PM
by Peggie VanSince January 1, 2022, Medi-Cal members’ medication benefits have mostly been managed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) through their Medi-Cal Rx program. However, HPSM still covers PADs. These are medications that providers give to patients at an office or clinic. Some PADs need to be pre-approved by HPSM.
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Medi-Cal Members: HPSM Still Covers Physician-Administered Drugs (PADs)
Jul 10, 2023, 3:04 PM
by Peggie VanSince January 1, 2022, Medi-Cal members’ medication benefits have mostly been managed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) through their Medi-Cal Rx program. However, HPSM still covers PADs. These are medications that providers give to patients at an office or clinic. Some PADs need to be pre-approved by HPSM.