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Dental Care Online Anytime, Anywhere

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Dental Care Online Anytime, Anywhere

With virtual dental care you can talk to a dentist or Oral Health Coach anytime from anywhere by live video call. This benefit is covered for Medi-Cal and CareAdvantage members at no cost through Dentistry.One.

Virtual dental care can help make oral health care easier. Those who are nervous about going  to the dentist, have difficulty traveling or are homebound can see a dentist in the comfort of their home. A virtual dental expert will give you advice when you think you need urgent dental attention but are not sure.

  • Video calls with a Dentist can help if you have tooth pain or any dental concern. A Dentistry.One dentist can prescribe medicine or refer you to an in-person dentist. When you need a second opinion, virtual dentistry is an easy way to get one.
  • Online Oral Health Coaching can help with general oral health care. Oral Health Coaches answer questions, give oral care tips and help find a dentist near you.
  • Send photos and text about your oral health concerns. A dentist will get back to you with advice about next steps.

Although dental emergencies are rare, there are a few life-threatening situations that require immediate supervision –learn more.

Getting virtual dental care is easy!

1. Set up your account online

2. Choose the option that’s best for you:

  • Have a virtual visit with a dentist right away.
  • Schedule a virtual visit for later.
  • Send pictures, videos and/or text for a dentist to review.

3. Check your email for next steps from your dentist.

To get video-based virtual dental care, you will need a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Your device must have a  microphone, camera and internet. You can also get voice-only dental advice using a flip-phone or landline. If you need interpreter services during a virtual dental session, let Dentistry.One know.

If you have questions about virtual dental care or your HPSM Dental benefits, call HPSM.