Introducing our HEALTHmattersMD blog—a brand-new online resource where providers can find all the latest news and updates about HPSM! Modeled after the interactive digital email newsletter we launched in March 2023, the user-friendly design features:

The top stories highlighted by eye-catching graphics.
Headlines listing other recent stories.
Links to our newsletter archive and provider notices.
The ability to search articles by topic.
The new HEALTHmattersMD blog will include articles from our quarterly e-newsletter as well as stories that come up in the time between issues. This addition to our website is part of our ongoing commitment to improving communications for providers. We created it in response to results from our 2022 Provider Communications Survey—specifically feedback about user experience, which indicated that providers want information to be easier to find, especially new content.
To let us know what you think of the new HEALTHmattersMD blog or suggest an article idea, email our Editor at