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CBAS Centers Can Help Patients Avoid Unnecessary Institutionalization

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CBAS Centers Can Help Patients Avoid Unnecessary Institutionalization


CBAS Centers Can Help Patients Avoid Unnecessary Institutionalization

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CBAS Centers Can Help Patients Avoid Unnecessary Institutionalization

HPSM’s 10 Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) centers in San Mateo, San Francisco and Santa Clara counties offer no-cost health-focused daycare programs for adults with medical, cognitive and/or functional limitations. Referring your patients to network CBAS centers can help them avoid unnecessary institutionalization in long-term care facilities and live independently at home or with family.   

HPSM Medi-Cal and CareAdvantage Members Enrolled in CBAS receive:

  • Recommendations for specific support services based on CBAS staff’s assessments.
  • Onsite health, therapy, nursing and social services. 
  • Nutritional counseling, personal care and meals.
  • Opportunities to socialize and enjoy a wide range of recreational activities.

To Refer an HPSM Member to CBAS, Either:

Learn more about how CBAS can benefit your eligible patients and their caregivers.