Language Assistance Services for You

We offer a range of no-cost language assistance services for members who speak or read a language other than English or have a hearing/vision impairment. You can get these services both when you are talking with our staff or an HPSM provider. All you need to do is tell the person you are talking with.

Your rights to language assistance services

  • All HPSM providers have to offer language assistance services from qualified medical interpreters to members with limited English proficiency (LEP) or a hearing impairment. Providers cannot require members to use family or friends as “informal” interpreters during visits. Learn why it is better to use professional language interpreters.
  • If you are not satisfied with the language assistance services provided by our contracted interpreters or providers, you have the right to submit a complaint or grievance. Learn more.
  • We provide online and print member materials in languages other than English and alternate formats (such as large print, Braille or audio) at no cost. Learn more.
Learn more about our language assistance services.