Your HEALTHmatters

Welcome to Your HEALTHmatters—our member blog that makes keeping up with the latest health news easy! This is where you’ll find the latest benefit information, tips and resources for a healthy, happy you! The top stories are highlighted with images, and you can find more stories listed under them. To read a story, just click the headline or the "Read more" link.

If you have questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider.

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Birth Control Coverage

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Birth Control Coverage

HPSM covers over-the-counter (OTC) birth control medications and products that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Members can get them from HPSM network pharmacies with no cost-sharing or medical management limits. To find in-network pharmacies near you, search HPSM’s Provider Directory. It is online at

As of January 1, 2024, HPSM will not set any limits or delays on vasectomy services or procedures. That includes but is not limited to pre-approval.