AMA Doctor Finder
Comprehensive information (including educational history, board certification and hospital admitting privileges) for doctors who belong to the American Medical Association (AMA).
Choose a Provider
HPSM has a network of over 5,000 doctors (including PCPs and specialists), pharmacies, clinics and hospitals. However, you may need to get a referral from your PCP before making an appointment with a specialist for non-emergency care. Otherwise, HPSM may not cover the cost of the service. Call your PCP to find out if a referral is required.
Search for a provider
Use the online provider search form to find the latest information for in-network primary care providers (PCP), specialists, pharmacies, clinics or hospitals. This directory is updated weekly. You may need a referral from your PCP before making an appointment with a specialist for non-emergency care. Call your PCP to find out if a referral is required.
- Search by provider name, health plan, location or type of provider
- Click on a provider's name in the search results to see additional information
- Search results include links to interactive maps and directions
- Print or save the information for individual providers
- Weekly updates ensure you get the most accurate results
The provider directory is updated every week; however there may be incorrect or new information about a provider that has not yet been updated. If you find an error, please call 650-616-2106 extension 5 (for TTY: 800-735-2929 or 711). You can also email HPSM Provider Services at PSInquiries@hpsm.org.
Provider Directories
Find a network provider using the table of contents, bookmarks, or index:
- Provider specialties are listed alphabetically in the table of contents
- Providers are grouped by provider type in the document bookmarks
- All providers are listed alphabetically in the index
Click on the directory that corresponds to your health plan.
Request a Printed Copy
If you would like a provider directory mailed to you, please send an email to providerdirectoryrequests@hpsm.org with the following information:
- Your first and last name
- Daytime phone number (in case we need to call you about your request)
- Mailing address
- Which directory you want (CareAdvantage or Medi-Cal)
The provider directory is updated every week; however there may be incorrect or new information about a provider that has not yet been updated. If you find an error, please call 650-616-2106 extension 5 (for TTY: 800-735-2929 or 711). You can also email HPSM Provider Services at PSInquiries@hpsm.org.