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By the Community, for the Community: HPSM’s New Strategic Plan

See the comprehensive roadmap that will guide our work for the next five years

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By the Community, for the Community: HPSM’s New Strategic Plan

See the comprehensive roadmap that will guide our work for the next five years


By the Community, for the Community: HPSM’s New Strategic Plan

See the comprehensive roadmap that will guide our work for the next five years

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By the Community, for the Community: HPSM’s New Strategic Plan

We are proud to present HPSM’s 2024-28 Strategic Plan, a comprehensive roadmapHPSM Strategic Plan coverthat will guide our work for the next five years. Over the course of 2023, we gathered input from over 200 individuals across dozens of organizations who work with our members, including many HPSM providers. That input, along with extensive analysis of data about our members’ health and experiences, helped us to prioritize six goals within two areas of focus:

Area of Focus 1: Better health care experiences and outcomes for all member

  • Goal 1: Better health care experiences and outcomes for all members – We will  improve HPSM members’ health outcomes, so that they are comparable with the outcomes of all residents of San Mateo County. 
  • Goal 2: Enhance access and experience – We will increase access to high-quality member-centered care.
  • Goal 3: Reduce health disparities – We will reduce disparities in health outcomes among HPSM members. 

Area of Focus 2: Thriving organizational capacity and resilience

  • Goal 4: Strengthen culture and teams – We will foster an inclusive learning culture that promotes diversity, equity, accessibility and belonging. 
  • Goal 5: Solve problems with data – We will improve decision-making by HPSM staff and providers, by leveraging our data and technology to get the right information to the right person at the right time.
  • Goal 6: Invest for the future – We will strengthen HPSM’s long-term sustainability to advance our mission.