Prepare for Power Outages

Refrigerated medications & electrical medical equipment

PG&E may turn your electricity off during planned Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events if you are in an area where forecasted weather conditions heighten wildfire risks. If you use medications that require refrigeration or medical equipment that uses electricity, you will need to plan ahead for power outages. Please take the following steps. 

If you take medications that require refrigeration

Many refrigerated medications are stable at room temperature for a few days.

  • Try to keep medications cool but do not use ice, as some medications (including insulin) lose effectiveness if frozen
  • Store medications in a cool, dry place and away from direct heat or sunlight
  • For questions about specific medications and guidance on storing insulin, please call your local pharmacy and ask a pharmacist

If you are concerned about refrigerated medications not being safe to use and want a replacement or refill, contact your local pharmacy/pharmacist. 

  • HPSM Pharmacy Services will allow members to receive medication replacements if their medication has spoiled during outages from non-refrigeration
  • For emergency situations, HPSM’s Pharmacy Services will authorize at least a 72-hour supply of most medications without restriction
    • This includes prescriptions awaiting submission or approval of a prior authorization request
    • Certain limitations apply

If you use medical equipment that runs on electricity

Contact your medical equipment provider

They may be able to help you get alternative devices. For example: 

  • An oxygen concentrator could be temporarily replaced with an oxygen tank 
  • A battery-operated version of your durable medical equipment (DME) or special batteries may be available

Contact HPSM Care Coordination at 650-616-2060 if you:

  • Have trouble obtaining supplies or alternatives from your medical equipment provider
  • Don't know who supplied your medical equipment  

HPSM will prioritize assistance for members with: 

  • Oxygen-related or cardiopulmonary assist devices 
  • Infusion/IV or feeding/nutrition supplement equipment
  • Mobility assist equipment