Welcome to the HEALTHmattersMD blog—an online resource where providers can find the latest news and updates about HPSM. Top stories are highlighted with images, and you can find more stories listed under them. To read a story, just click the headline or the "Read more" link. In the side menu, you can also select articles by topic or see our newsletter archive and provider notices.

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New Cultural Awareness, Humility and Competency Resources for Providers

We've added over 30 new resources to our website. Plus we're launching an online diversity, equity and inclusion provider training in 2025.

digital newsletter

Introducing HPSM’s New Primary Care Practice Grants

Starting April 15, 2025, primary care practices contracted with HPSM can apply for our four new Primary Care Provider Grants - Primary Care Team Expansion, Core Team Stabilization, Provider Sabbatical and Custom Pilot!


We Offer Personal Medical Alert Devices to CareAdvantage Members

Encourage your CareAdvantage patients to get a LifeStation personal medical alert device at absolutely no cost. It can save their life!

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