San Mateo County ACE Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the full amount of $360 have to be paid at the beginning of my coverage period?

A: No, you have options on how to pay your annual fee. You can pay the full amount at the start of your coverage, or you can make monthly payments of $30. You can pay off the full amount anytime before the end of your 12-month coverage period. HPSM will send you a monthly invoice when you have a remaining balance. If you are having trouble paying the $360 program fee please contact the Health Coverage Unit 650-616-2002.

Q: How does my choice for how to pay the participation fee affect my benefits?

A: If you pay the full $360 within a month of receiving your first invoice, HPSM will send you three San Mateo County ACE certificates (called ACE bucks) that you can use to pay for co-payments.

Q: Where do I send my Participation Fee payment(s)?

A: Mail your payments (whether full payment or monthly payments) to:
      Health Plan of San Mateo
      Attn: Finance Department
      801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 100
      South San Francisco, CA 94080

Q: What if I cannot pay $360 for the participant fee?

A: If you have a financial hardship, you can request that the enrollment fee be waived using the appeal process. You can file an appeal by calling HPSM Member Services at 1-800-750-4776 (toll-free) or 650-616-2133.