Language Assistance Services
HPSM offers a range of no-cost language assistance services to ensure all our members receive culturally and linguistically appropriate care – including those with limited English proficiency or sensory impairment. Our language assistance services also enable us to meet regulatory requirements regarding member access to health care services.
Our language assistance services include:
- Language interpreter services accessible 24/7 by phone and video in over 200 languages. In-person interpreters are
also available for those who use ASL, as well as for ongoing appointments, appointments on sensitive topics and group therapy.
- Translated and alternative format member materials available in Spanish, Chinese and Tagalog (as well as other
languages upon request) and alternate formats (such as large print, Braille or audio).
- Provider language documentation requirements around informing HPSM about members’ language preferences
and your staff's language capabilities.
- Provider language training and resources that include personalized language training for your office, a free online course with CME credit and educational materials.