Quality Improvement and Health Equity Committee (QIHEC)

Committee Role

  • Develop and maintain HPSM’s Quality Management Program
  • Develop an annual Quality Management Work Plan
  • Monitor HPSM’s quality improvement processes (evaluate and review quality improvement policies, procedures, standards of care and quality indicators at least annually)
  • Analyze data to identify trends, system problems and opportunities to improve care
  • Select routine monitoring issues, evaluation topics and special studies that are relevant to and will have a potential impact on the membership population served
  • Evaluate the progress of initiatives

Committee Membership

The QIHEC’s 8 members are appointed by the Health Commission and represent many different types of provider practices, including primary care, adult, pediatrics and specialists.

Kenneth Tai, M.D.Commissioner, PCP (Chief Medical Officer, NEMS)
Jaime Chavarria, M.D.PCP (Family Medicine)
Maria Osmena, M.D.PCP (Pediatric)
Curtis Chan, M.D.Physician Member
Nazleen Bharmal, M.D.Physician Member
Jeanette Aviles, M.D. SMMC Physician (Internal Medicine)

Vacant positions: Pharmacist; Physician-Specialist; and BHRS-Specialist.

QIHEC Committee meeting schedule

3rd Thursday of March, June, September, and December from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

For a copy of the agenda, please contact the Clerk of the Commission at (650) 616-0050

Future In Person Meeting Location:
HPSM Boardroom
801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 100
South San Francisco, CA 94080

QIHEC Meeting Minutes / Activities