Types of specialists
Specialists are doctors who treat a specific disease or part of the body. Here are some of the most common medical specialties:
- Cardiology – Treats disorders of the heart and parts of the circulatory system
- Family Medicine– Provides basic health care to all the members of a family
- Gastroenterology – Focuses on the gastrointestinal system (e.g., stomach, intestines, colon, liver, etc.)
- Hospitalist – A doctor who only works in a hospital
- Immunology – Concerned with the health of the immune system
- Internal Medicine– Deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases
- Neurology – Treats disorders of the nerves and nervous system
- Orthopedics – Focuses on the musculoskeletal system
- Obstetrics & Gynecology – Specializes in female reproductive issues (e.g., pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum health)
- Urology – Concerned with urinary system functions and disorders
Search for a provider
Use the online provider search form to find the latest information for in-network primary care providers (PCP), specialists, pharmacies, clinics or hospitals. This directory is updated weekly. You may need a referral from your PCP before making an appointment with a specialist for non-emergency care. Call your PCP to find out if a referral is required.
- Search by provider name, health plan, location or type of provider
- Click on a provider's name in the search results to see additional information
- Search results include links to interactive maps and directions
- Print or save the information for individual providers
- Weekly updates ensure you get the most accurate results
The provider directory is updated every week; however there may be incorrect or new information about a provider that has not yet been updated. If you find an error, please call 650-616-2106 extension 5 (for TTY: 800-735-2929 or 711). You can also email HPSM Provider Services at PSInquiries@hpsm.org.